We were just a few days into the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 and it was clear that the virus was already causing an enormous amount of anxiety and uncertainty.

A team from the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust contacted me to see whether I could help provide multilingual translations of a resource they were developing to help people manage their anxiety. The resource was aimed at people living with dementia and other cognitive challenges, and their family, friends and carers. In reality, we could see that it would provide useful coping strategies for everyone.

With the help of translator networks such as Cardiff Translators and ITI Cymru Wales, we soon had a team of volunteers who worked quickly to translate the information into 16 languages. I took care of the Esperanto-language version, coordinated the project and formatted the documents!

Website developer Thomas Preece donated his time free of charge to set up a website where everything was easily accessible.

It was lovely to start getting reports in about how the resource was being used in the various languages. It was being put to use in many different countries and in a whole range of settings from care homes, hospitals, schools, community groups supporting refugees, amongst staff and by individuals at home with family and friends.

I’m so proud of my colleagues who immediately sprang into action and donated their time freely to make this resource available It was great to be working with such a fantastic team.

The documents are available to download freely at

If you need help finding translators for your project, why not get in touch!

“phenomenal work”

“The work that Heather has coordinated in such a short timescale has been phenomenal. To have a document be made accessible to so many people, not just in the UK, but across the world via the website, has so much potential to offer tangible mental health support during this global pandemic.”

Dr Sally Stapleton